Please visit the PCHS Events & Athletics calendar for more information.
- 5/20, Mon:
- Senior Awards Assembly, @8:45AM, PCHS gymnasium
- No Second Chance Breakfast (2CB)
- W!SE Testing Retake/Make-Up #3
- SOL Retake/Make-Up
- Junior Marshal Practice, @2PM, Little Theatre
- Faculty Graduation Practice, @3:40PM, Field House
- 5/21, Tues:
- No Morning Gym
- Gymnasium closed for Graduation set-up
- No Second Chance Breakfast (2CB)
- SOL: EOC Math Expedited Retake
- Graduation Practice (indoor), @8:30, Little Theatre
- PCHS Admin Meeting, @11AM, CTE Conf. Rm
- Senior Picnic (school-only), Noon-2PM, Randolph Park
- PCHS Golden Cougar Band Director Introduction- Mr. Tyler Lundy, @5:30PM, PCHS Commons
- 5/22, Wed:
- No Morning Gym
- Gymnasium closed for Graduation set-up
- No Second Chance Breakfast (2CB)
- Little Theatre closed for Graduation set-up
- Graduation Practice (outdoor), @8:30, Little Theatre
- Extension Day Schedule
- CIP English 9 Benchmark
- SOL Retake/Make-Up
- 5/23, Thurs:
- No Morning Gym
- Gymnasium closed for Graduation set-up
- No Second Chance Breakfast (2CB)
- Little Theatre closed for Graduation set-up
- Graduation Practice (outdoor), @8:30, Little Theatre
- Senior Walk-throughs, @Noon, Bus Loop
- Final Exams: blocks 2 & 4 (see Exemption Policy below)
- 5/24, Fri: Last Day of School
- 2 Hour Early Release - alternate schedule (blocks 1 & 3 only)
- No Second Chance Breakfast (2CB)
- No Morning Gym
- Gymnasium closed for Graduation set-up
- Little Theatre closed for Graduation set-up
- Final Exams: blocks 1 & 3 (see Exemption Policy below)
- Class of 2019 Graduation Ceremony, @8PM, Dobson Stadium

End of Course Assessment Exam Exemption Policy Students will be exempt from end-of-course assessments and attendance for that block, if they have missed no more than 3 days per block course, 6 days per year long course (excluding school activities) and have earned a B (80%) prior to the scheduled final assessment.
Testing Calendar:
Mon, May 20 - W!SE Testing Retake/Make-Up #3, SOL Retake/Make-Up
Tues, May 21 - SOL Math Retake/Make-Up
Wed, May 22 - CIP English 9 Benchmark, SOL Retake/Make-Up
Thurs, May 23 - Final Exams: blocks 2 & 4
Fri, May 24 - Final Exams: block 1 & 3 (alternate schedule & 2 hr early release)
Dual Enrollment placement testing for rising juniors and seniors - 3 opportunities: May 23, 9:00; May 23, 12:15 (attend first lunch); May 24 9:00. All in the English pod computer lab. Sign up required - in the hallway, on the bulletin board, outside the Counseling Office.
Do you want to be a 9th-Grade Mentor? We are starting a new mentoring program and it will include helping the up-coming 9th graders settle into the high school environment, help them make friends, and give them the opportunity to branch out and try new things. We are looking for current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders eager to help their fellow classmates.