Please visit the PCHS Events & Athletics calendar for more information.
- 9/11, Mon:
- Faculty Meeting at 3:40 (LT)
- 9/12, Tues:
- Make-up Faculty Meeting at 8:00am (LT)
- PowerSchool Assessment Training for select administration at 10am (BL1)
- School Board Meeting; the first Senior of the Month for the Class of 2018 will be presented
- 9/13, Wed:
- Midterm grade reports go home
- 9/14, Thurs:
- PowerSchool Assessment Training for teachers/co-teachers of SOL/CIP courses
- 8:45 - 9:15 (BL1)
- 9:30 - 10:00 (BL1)
- 10:30 - 11:00 (BL1)
- 11:10 - 11:40 (BL1)
- Shenandoah University admissions counselors visit PCHS at 3PM, visit the Guidance Office for more information
- 9/15, Fri:
- College Fair field trip to RU from 8:35-10:00. A list of eligible students are on the list in the Guidance hallway.
- Student Flu Shot forms are due back to the nurse's office. Flu shots for students will be given on October 11 during the school day by the Health Department. Forms are available at each school or by clicking HERE
Governor McAuliffe then visited Pulaski County High School to view the opportunities available to PCHS students in Cyber Security. The Governor judged a competition between students to see which group could code their robot to navigate a maze the quickest.

Nomination forms are currently being collected for PCHS to determine the September Teacher of the Month and the September Employee of the Month. Please consider nominating someone at PCHS who makes your high school experience great. Nominations for candidates from PCHS should be submitted by October 2nd.
The Investments in Learning Assembly
is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2017. During this assembly
the faculty and staff of Pulaski County High School will honor the students who have achieved high academic standards and/or perfect attendance during the previous school year. The Class of 2018 nominees for the Most Valuable Cougar will also be named. The Most Valuable Cougar is the highest recognition given to a student by our school. Nominees were chosen by the senior class and the winner of the Most Valuable Cougar award will be revealed at the Senior Awards Assembly in May 2019.
The assembly will conclude with the Graduation Excitement Campaign. During this $100 cash give-away, any student who passed an end-of-course SOL test or an Industry Credential in the previous school year will have their name entered in to the drawing. Our goal this year is to give out 70 awards or $7,000 in student incentives. Please contact Mrs. Alger (643-0230) if you are interested in donating to this campaign.
September is Attendance Awareness Month