Please visit the PCHS Events & Athletics calendar for more information.
- 9/24, Mon:
- Spirit Week Theme: Hawaiian Day
- Yearbook sales during all 3 lunches
- Building Leadership Team meeting, @3:40, Cougar Den
- School Board Meeting, 5PM, SBO
- 9/25, Tues:
- Spirit Week Theme: Twin Day
- Concord University information visit - see school counseling office for more information, 10:00AM
- Yearbook sales during all 3 lunches
- 9/26, Wed:
- Spirit Week Theme: Camo Day
- Extension Day Schedule with Club Day
- Yearbook sales during all 3 lunches
- Homecoming Tickets for sale ($5) during all three lunches, students/guests must be in-good-standing to purchase tickets & attend the dance
- Powderpuff Football: Juniors vs Seniors, 6PM, Dobson Stadium
- 9/27, Thurs:
- Spirit Week Theme: Sports Day
- Yearbook sales during all 3 lunches
- Homecoming Tickets for sale ($5) during all three lunches, students/guests must be in-good-standing to purchase tickets & attend the dance
- 9/28, Fri:
- Spirit Week Theme: Cougar Spirit Day
- No Second Chance Breakfast
- Yearbook sales during all 3 lunches
- Homecoming Tickets for sale ($5) during all three lunches, students/guests must be in-good-standing to purchase tickets & attend the dance
- Homecoming Pep-Rally (school-only), 2:30PM, PCHS Gymnasium
- Cougar Crazies' Theme: Cougar Colors vs. Hidden Valley, 7PM
- 9/29, Sat:
- Homecoming Dance - Movin' & Groovin', 8-11PM, PCHS Gymnasium
- 9/30, Sun:
- PCHS Growing The Future Talent Show, 3PM, Little Theater

Faculty Professional Development for the week of Sept. 24 - 28
The Investments in Learning Assembly
has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 3, 2018. During this assembly the faculty and staff of Pulaski County High School will honor the students who have achieved high academic standards and/or perfect attendance during the previous school year. The Class of 2019 nominees for the Most Valuable Cougar will also be named. The Most Valuable Cougar is the highest recognition given to a student by our school. Nominees were chosen by the senior class and the winner of the Most Valuable Cougar award will be revealed at the Senior Awards Assembly in May 2019.
The assembly will conclude with the Graduation Excitement Campaign. During this $100 cash give-away, any student who passed an end-of-course SOL test or an Industry Credential in the previous school year will have their name entered in to the drawing. Our goal this year is to give out 70 awards or $7,000 in student incentives. Please contact Mrs. Alger (643-0230) if you are interested in donating to this campaign.
September is Attendance Awareness Month

The assembly will conclude with the Graduation Excitement Campaign. During this $100 cash give-away, any student who passed an end-of-course SOL test or an Industry Credential in the previous school year will have their name entered in to the drawing. Our goal this year is to give out 70 awards or $7,000 in student incentives. Please contact Mrs. Alger (643-0230) if you are interested in donating to this campaign.
September is Attendance Awareness Month