Please visit the PCHS Events & Athletics calendar for more information.
- 10/8, Mon:
- Faculty Meeting, @3:30, Little Theater
- Instructional Model PD Team Training, Noon-4:30PM, SBO
- 10/9, Tues:
- Make-up Faculty Meeting, @8AM, Little Theater
- CIP Benchmark Testing: English 9 & World History II
- TRiO/Upward Bound, Commons
- Schoolhouse Rock. Live! is presented for 2 grades from PES, @12:30, Little Theater
- School Board Meeting, @6PM, SBO
- 10/10, Wed:
- CIP Benchmark Testing: English 10 & Chemistry
- Extension Day Schedule
- Parent/Teacher Conference forms are sent home with students
- Division Leadership Meeting, @9AM, SBO
- 10/11, Thurs:
- CIP Benchmark Testing: Algebra 1 (part 1 & semester)
- Listening Tour w/ Dr. Siers, all day, CTE Conference Room
- 3 Hour Early Release
- postponed
Schoolhouse Rock. Live!is presented for 2 grades from PES, @12:30, Little Theater - 10/12, Fri:
- Closed - Code 1
2 Hour Delay ScheduleCIP Benchmark Testing: Geometry (part 1 & semester)Attendance Committee Meeting, @10AM, SBOGraduation Supplies Orders (Jostens), All 3 lunches, CommonsCougar Crazies' Theme: Pink Out vs. Blacksburg, 7PM

Faculty Professional Development for the week of Oct 8 - 12
Parent - Teacher Conference forms will be sent home with students this week. Parents/guardians are encouraged to schedule a conference with their child's teachers. It is also strongly encouraged that the student attends these conferences so that they may be included in conversations regarding their progress. Conference dates are set for Thurs, 10/18 (3-7PM) and Fri, 10/19 (8AM - Noon).
Will YOU be in the yearbook? Please be sure your Directory Release Form is filled out allowing your photo to be included in the yearbook. Currently, we have several hundred students who will not be featured in the yearbook. Don't miss out on the opportunity to document these high school years! See Ms. Alger or the School Counseling Office if you have questions.
Will YOU be in the yearbook? Please be sure your Directory Release Form is filled out allowing your photo to be included in the yearbook. Currently, we have several hundred students who will not be featured in the yearbook. Don't miss out on the opportunity to document these high school years! See Ms. Alger or the School Counseling Office if you have questions.