Sunday, August 19, 2018

Extension Courses at Pulaski County High School

Extension Courses 

Greetings Cougar Students & Families,

During the 2018-2019 school year PCHS will implement Extension blocks for all students.  These enrichment style courses will consist of co-teaching teams of 2 teachers, one of whom will hold a core academic endorsement.  Extension instruction may focus upon any theme while adhering to assigned academic SOL objective(s) and “The 5 C’s.” 

Each Extension block will meet every Wednesday for 59 minutes.  These courses will run for 9 weeks, include attendance in PowerTeacher, and students will earn a Pass (P)/ Fail (F) grade.  Club Day will take place on the fifth week of each 9 weeks so that students not participating in a club will remain engaged in their Extension block.  Each Extension will focus on a real-world application of the teaching team’s choosing which aligns with specific SOL objectives and “The Five C’s.”

The Five C’s
Virginia schools are required to ensure that students develop the following competencies known as the “Five C’s”.  The Five C’s describe the knowledge, skills, experiences and attributes that students must attain to be successful in college and/or the work force and to be “life ready” in an economy and a world characterized by rapid change. Pulaski County High School has determined that a life-ready PCHS graduate must:
  • Achieve and apply appropriate academic and technical knowledge (content knowledge);
  • Demonstrate productive workplace skills, qualities, and behaviors (workplace “soft” skills); 
  • Build connections and value interactions with others as a responsible and responsive citizen (community engagement and civic responsibility); and
  • Align knowledge, skills and personal interests with career opportunities (career exploration).

Earning a diploma should be about more than passing a prescribed series of courses and tests, and graduates need skills and attributes such as critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, collaboration and citizenship, to be successful in life.  The Five C’s as defined by PCHS are:
  • Critical thinking: Learning, thought, and analysis that occurs when students are analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, or synthesizing information and applying creative thought to form an argument, solve a problem, or reach a conclusion.
  • Creative thinking: A way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that suggests unorthodox solutions (which may look unsettling at first).
  • Communication: Sending and receiving information between two or more people. The person sending the message is referred to as the sender, while the person receiving the information is called the receiver. The information conveyed can include facts, ideas, concepts, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, instructions and even emotions.
  • Collaboration: Takes place when members of an inclusive team work together as equals  to assist in achieving mutual goals through shared responsibility for participation and decision making.  Individuals who collaborate share their resources and share accountability for outcomes.
  • Citizenship: Process of becoming clear-thinking and enlightened citizens who participate in decisions concerning society. 'Society' is here understood in the special sense of a nation with a circumscribed territory which is recognized as a state.
The faculty and staff at Pulaski County High school are extremely excited to begin these new opportunities with our students.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to speak with their student about the fascinating activities taking place during this courses.  Additionally, do not hesitate to reach out to your student's Extension courses teachers if you have questions or ideas regarding Extension offerings.

Mike Grim & the PCHS Faculty and Staff


Greetings, Thank you for the kind words, prayers, and encouragement as we move forward in this transition.  This is not quite how I had en...